Thirty years ago, Steve and I were traveling through the Southwest’s backroads and came upon a small trailer, with a lounge chair in front, perched on a slab of orange rock overlooking an expanse of canyon. We looked at each other and said “Someday, we’re going to do that”.
Starting in 2017, we began researching how to live on the road. At the end of 2019, we both retired from our 9 – 5 jobs, sold our house in March 2020 and then came face to face with the COVID-19 pandemic. Our state’s governor declared the Stay at Home order on March 24, 2020, but now, without a house and only a recently purchased truck and trailer to call home, we had to be adaptable. We needed to figure out a path forward in consideration of social distancing, limited retail operations, concerns of local communities, and no access to local, state or national parks. Thus, begins our 2-year journey as we navigate miles, and a pandemic, through the United States of America…